Dont Ever think that you can hack the mail ID of others .
Because the Yahoo Servers are Encrypted by the latest mechanisms of the cryptography technologies.Each and every information in secured based upon the encoding and cryptography mechanisms which are tested for decades and then only they implemented.
Dont ever fall on to this hoax of hacking others mail ID
Dont ever Try This Kind Thing
Some may post are say that they have found a way tho hack others mail ID. And dont fall in to their trap.Infact I had also Fallen in their Trap but escaped luckily since i gave a new Mail ID.For this kind of hacking method and quickly after sending mail i changed my password.
I tell you why i did like that
When Ever You come across like this
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Finally i have found out how to crack Yahoo. Yahoo Server uses this kind of Mail ID which fetches your forgetten password from the server since this is a yahoo staff mail ID. You can obtain any yahoo password and you can use any email account to get it. This is because there is a bug in the yahoo system. This is how you do it:
Send the email to keyretrieve_yserver204@yahoo.com
In the subject bar type “PASSWORD RESET”
In the very first line of the body of your mail, type your user id of the yahoo account that you want the password to be hacked.
In the second line of the body type in your yahoo email id
In the third line of the body type in your mail ids password.
In the fourth line copy and paste the following line. Make sure you copy and paste this line as is. If you don’t it will not work.
cgi-bin_RETRIVE_PASS_KEY_CGI_BIN/$et76431&pwrsa script
{simply copy and paste above.}
Ex:This is a sample email.
To: keyretrieve_yserver204@yahoo.com
cgi-bin_RETRIVE_PASS_KEY_CGI_BIN/$et76431&pwrsa script
The password will be sent to your yahoo inbox in an email called “System Reg Message”
You might have to wait a week in some cases.
I found this when my friend did it for me.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Dont ever try this method
Yahoo Staff knows the server files so they can eaily know all the Mail IDs along with password
so they never need your mail ID and password since you are sending from your mail Id only for retriving password.
The Second thing look at the mail Id Whic looks Like it is genuine Yahoo Server Id but it is actually the mail Id of some one who wants to know passwords of others.
The Third Think they give you some code to make you think that this is real and not fake but that code doesnt going to work.
Finally you are going to loose the password and going to be the Prey for that mail ID owner eventually when you are trying to fetch your friends password.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Hack Yahoo Mail ID PROCESS
If You want to do Crack yahoo ID with out knowing any technical Stuff and Just using Luck
Create A Mail Id of Your Own
Type These in Your Post
Finally i have found out how to crack Yahoo. Yahoo Server uses this kind of Mail ID which fetches your forgetten password from the server since this is a yahoo staff mail ID. You can obtain any yahoo password and you can use any email account to get it. This is because there is a bug in the yahoo system. This is how you do it:
Send the email to "Your Mail ID"
In the subject bar type “PASSWORD RESET”
In the very first line of the body of your mail, type your user id of the yahoo account that you want the password to be hacked.
In the second line of the body type in your yahoo email id
In the third line of the body type in your mail ids password.
In the fourth line copy and paste the following line. Make sure you copy and paste this line as is. If you don’t it will not work.
cgi-bin_RETRIVE_PASS_KEY_CGI_BIN/$et76431&pwrsa script
{simply copy and paste above.}
Ex:This is a sample email.
To: "Your Mail ID"
cgi-bin_RETRIVE_PASS_KEY_CGI_BIN/$et76431&pwrsa script
The password will be sent to your yahoo inbox in an email called “System Reg Message”
You might have to wait a week in some cases.
If any one falls in this trap Means their Password will Come to your mail So that You can have it.
Create A Mail Id of Your Own
Type These in Your Post
Finally i have found out how to crack Yahoo. Yahoo Server uses this kind of Mail ID which fetches your forgetten password from the server since this is a yahoo staff mail ID. You can obtain any yahoo password and you can use any email account to get it. This is because there is a bug in the yahoo system. This is how you do it:
Send the email to "Your Mail ID"
In the subject bar type “PASSWORD RESET”
In the very first line of the body of your mail, type your user id of the yahoo account that you want the password to be hacked.
In the second line of the body type in your yahoo email id
In the third line of the body type in your mail ids password.
In the fourth line copy and paste the following line. Make sure you copy and paste this line as is. If you don’t it will not work.
cgi-bin_RETRIVE_PASS_KEY_CGI_BIN/$et76431&pwrsa script
{simply copy and paste above.}
Ex:This is a sample email.
To: "Your Mail ID"
cgi-bin_RETRIVE_PASS_KEY_CGI_BIN/$et76431&pwrsa script
The password will be sent to your yahoo inbox in an email called “System Reg Message”
You might have to wait a week in some cases.
If any one falls in this trap Means their Password will Come to your mail So that You can have it.
Hack Yahoo Mail ID PROCESS
Many of us Really Want to hack others just for knowing what they are actually doing.
The hacking is a major task which can not be done easily with out knowing correct powerful
networking knowledge.As you have to acess the yahoo servers.
This is one technique i found which may be useful to hack others mail ids
First Prepare a Mail ID that must have to look like a genuine Yahoo SERVER MAIL ID.
But you cant use the word YAHOO in creating Mail Ids. So you have to take the responsibility
of creating a mail id that should convince the receiver or your friend to think that it is actually a mail
ID of Yahoo Server
For Ex:
use like these
And Create a mail Like This as if a Yahoo Staff is sending a Mail To the Users
From: server_mail@yahoo.com
SUBJECT : Yahoo! Mail Server
Dear Yahoo User,
The Yahoo mail servers are currently under heavy stress due to Improper usage of our email
services. Many of the users are just not using the mail Id regularly.Thus The Yahoo Staff has decided
to reduce the number of E-mail accounts by a huge margin to regain its potential,By checking who are
all regularly using our service.
All acounts which is idle for while is going to be deleted so if you want to retain your mailID and your
password then just send a mail to "YOUR MAIL ID [IT SHOULD BE LIKE SERVER ID]"the
subject as "CONFIRMATION" and the message at the body of your containing the following details and seperated by (;)"semicolon"
login password date country User who didnot respond are deleted from the Yahoo Account .This E-mail sincerely regrets the
inconvenience caused to its clients.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
You can also use the above mail content for hacking purpose so be careful in editing it .
Use the mail ID that should be clever enongh to make the receiver think that its a Yahoo Server ID.
Try this kind of Trick and fetch the passwords of your friends if they fall in to your TRAP.
This is a trap to make others FALL in it. While Sending this kind of mails to users select those who
doesnt have much internet knowledge so that thay fall in your trap immediately.
This is Strictly for Education Purpose Only and I am Not Responsible for any mis use of this article
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You can download the rules of the game in the site
The rules of the game are very much interesting and easy as the ' players watch stunts from acclaimed Super Banzai Video Show, then bet on the outcome of stunt. To bet, players race to fill the betting bowl using only chopsticks. Bowls are filled with sushi. Whoever wins all the sushi, wins the game.
The rest are rubbish'. This game can be played by 2 or more players.Each player starts with 25 sushi, which are color coded to match your sushi bowl, and a pair of chopsticks.
You can purchase this DVD using paypal id that you have. Since the paypal is highly secured we can highly rely on this .The Shogun starts the DVD, which will show a stunt of some kind. The players then have 15 seconds to use their chopsticks and race to place sushi into the betting bowl. The Banzai game is best for Tako-gotchi and download of wallpapers.
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Play Banzai
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