This is one of the greates ever module of Google because it makes on thing twice or even thrice before sending a threat or offensive or illegal mail to anyone.For those who are short temper or those who work in online while drunk can be helped very effectively by this small utility which is in Goolgle.
Those who are very angry on their boss and send them a mail by using bad words and later regret tho that and those who scold their friends by sending them mails can use this as a great oppurtunity beacuse when ever they do like this they will always earn the bad name or even loose their jobs.
Those who are oftenly sending that kind of mail and want to get rid of it can actually use this in Google service.
First Log in to Your Accoutnt in that choose Settings->Labs
Now Choose Mail Googles.This what you have to do.After doing this when ever you are trying to send mail Goolgle will pop up you with samll questions,puzzles such that it provides enough time to think about the sending mail which can be sent or not.
This is really a very goog Utility from Goolgle for those who