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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Meaning of Christmas

The word "Christmas" income "Mass of Christ," or else, having the status of it came to be present shortened, "Christ-Mass." It came to non-Christians and Protestants from the Roman wide-reaching minster. And someplace did they search out it? NOT from the new to the job Testament - NOT from the Bible - NOT from the earliest apostles who were being personally instructed by Christ - but it gravitated in the sphere of the fourth century into the Roman minster from paganism.

Remember, the Roman humankind had been pagan. These those had grown-up up in the sphere of pagan customs, chief of which was this idolatrous festival of December 25th. It was a festival of merrymaking, with its special spirit. All of them enjoyed it! All of them didn't require to bequeath it up. At this moment this same article in the sphere of the new to the job Schaff-Herzog listing of Religious awareness explains how the recognition by Constantine of Sunday, which had been the daylight hours of pagan sun worship, and how the influence of the pagan Manichaeism, which identified the young man OF GOD with the tangible SUN, gave these pagans of the fourth century, at this moment spiraling in excess of across-the-board to "Christianity," their excuse in support of calling their pagan-festival engagement of December 25th (birthday of the SUN-god), the birthday of the young man OF GOD.

And with the aim of is how "Christmas" became secure on our Western humankind. We possibly will call it by an extra given name, but it's the same old pagan sun-worshipping festival still. The solitary amendment is in the sphere of what did you say? We call it. You can CALL a rabbit a "lion," but it's still a rabbit, simply the same.

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